Naah, this post has nothing to do with a swing nor a see-saw and not even a balance. So what's this all about??
**Ohh!! Always! Always!!! Does this guy ever, ever get to the topic right away!! Huh!!!**
But then that's what this post is all about!! :)
This is the month of the scales. Of Libra.. Of Librans... THE BALANCE! Gettin the point?? No right!! So read on!! :)
Many of us, every morning when the newspaper arrives, check out the Astrology section in it before leaving for college or office. And most of us, at some point of time in our lives (mostly during our teens ;) ), have read one of the umpteen number of Sun Sign books available in the market (Linda Goodman being my fav!! ;) ). Every time one has a crush on a boy/girl, and they don't know each other all that well, these books serve as a guide to the other person's character. DISCLAIMER: Now whether the book guides in the right direction is a topic open for discussion. ;)
Now where were we!! Yeah, the Sun Sign book. :P
**Uffff!!! Bahut pakaata hai yaar yeh!! ;) **
Linda Goodman's Sun Signs describes a typical Libran as one with an ambivalent character. Remember, The Balance?? A misnomer for sure. Completely unbalanced. First swinging this way and then the other, just to tilt again to the first one, and so on... On and On.. Until Finally!! it attains equilibrium.
For those in the knowhow, they will vouch for my interest in watching Hindi movies.. I don't really watch them until and unless forced by my dear friends, which is to say, quite often, when those dumb comedy movies release (Sorry guys!! But All offense meant.. :P ). And I don't read the reviews for the Hindi movies either. I better get first-hand inputs from my numerous buddies who watch the movies as soon as they are screened in the theatres. Love Aaj Kal was one such movie. My friends watched it and their verdict: Watch it only if you don't have anything else to watch. It's ooookay, but the second half is sort of a drag..
Whoa!! Good Lord, I got such nice friends who spare me the pains of watchin' all the crappy movies that these guys churn out.. (No Dudes, this doesn't include u who have made me suffer those umpteen number of good-for-nothin movies in the hall).
But Diwali being Diwali and holiday being a holiday, me and my friends after enacting Dexter's act in the kitchen in the forenoon, were contemplating on what to do next.. Someone came up with the idea of watchin a movie. And so finally after a lot of debate, we settled on watchin Love Aaj Kal. Got the DVD home.
Now comes the crux of this post.. Had I mentioned this line no. at the top, could have spared you the pains of reading till here right!! Ha, Ha!!
Somehow, I liked the movie.. Oops!! How come?? Nope.. No Guys, as you would think, it was not the love angle in the movie which caught my fancy, nor was it the plot. Surprisingly, it were the characters in the movie who became the subjects of my study. ;) Jai. And Meera. Meera, towards the end of the movie, blurts out: "Oh!! What is he doing to me (my mind)". So we will focus on Saif's character in the movie, as according to Deepika's claims, he was the one corrupting her mind.
Saif's character in the film - Jai, is an absolute personification of a typical Libran. Completely Confused!! As to what he/she wants. At times if a Libran justifies a point, the very next moment, he/she can stand up and speak against the topic as well. Some of the world's most famous philosophers are Librans. And yeah, let's not forget our dear politicians (Refer to the Khandala song from Ghulam - Dil bhi saala party badle kaisa hai zamaana).. But whatever stance they take won't be without any logic. They will convince you that their viewpoint is correct guiding you along the path with logic dispersed throughout.
Similar was the Jai in this movie. Be it Jai-Meera's meeting in the coffee shop when they decide on breaking-up the first time or be it the lawn scene before Meera's marriage. Everywhere you can see a Libran who's confused to the core.
But like it almost certainly happens eventually with a Libran, the arms of the scale balance each other out. And so it happened at the end of this movie as well. Saif gets back to his senses, realizes what he wants, returns to India and gets his girl.
So before we reach the point of this post for which you were waiting all this while, that is, The End, I would highly recommend watchin' this movie to others.. Not so much from the point of view of what the title of this movie refers to, but from the point of view of understanding the nature of The Swinging Balance.. ;)

LAK is a complete waste of time... and d character cliche is unbearable... since DCH, the 'confused' type character is the most over-used in the hindi film industry... (next only to item-girls???)...
else the post is good... except for the attempted euphemisms which, frankly, suck balls... :P
I too liked the movie and both the characters were so relate able too.. do you remember that SMS scene when Deepika goes out with her fiance? Are you a Libran?
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